Sunday, March 7, 2010

Vitamin D

The use of vitamin supplements to increase a person’s vitamin level and the not so clear benefit of the use of extra Vitamin D.
“Vitamin D, Miracle Drug: Is it science, or just talk? This article, published in the New York Times on Tuesday, February 2, 2010, talks about the increased use of vitamin D as a solution for many health problems. The article, written by Tara Parker-Pope, points out the increase in consumption of this vitamin without the clear knowledge of its benefits or the proper dosage. The problem, as stated in the article, is that the use of too much vitamin can cause more damage than benefit. This claim is backed up by the results of several studies on vitamins E and B. For most of us, all we need is to change our daily habits and spend more time outside in the sun in order to receive the dose of Vitamin D necessary for a healthy body. In addition to receiving the necessary amount of Vitamin D required for a healthy body, by going outside we would also spend more time moving and burning some of the extra calories that also cause health problems.

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